Thank you so much for a wonderful second class! Your comments and observations in response to the Blood bot's second tweet have enormously deepened my appreciation and understanding of Charles Gleyre's La danse des bacchantes.
Charles Gleyre, La danse des bacchantes (1849, oil on canvas)
I hope my discussion of secularization and Émile Durkheim's thought helped to contextualize some of what Michel Foucault and Georges Bataille have to say on the complex relations between transgression, eroticism, the death of God and the sacred.
Emile Durkheim (1858-1917)
For this week's blogging assignment, I'd like you to identify and describe an example or instance of transgression from history, mythology, religion, current affairs, pop culture (movies, tv), art, literature or your own lived experience. How would this example conform to and/or challenge the concept or category of transgression as we find it articulated by Michel Foucault, Georges Bataille, Émile Durkheim and/or Charles Gleyre's painting?
If you absolutely cannot come up with an example, you may, as an alternative, articulate one question which arose for you in relation to this week's reading, lecture and/or tutorial.
I look forward to reading your blogs!