Schedule & Readings

All readings are available as free electronic documents! Readings not hyperlinked below are available here.

Beham and Beham, Death and the Sleeping Woman, 1548


Week 1 (Sept 14):
  • Bataille, The Beginning (The Birth of Eros), pp. 22-54 of The Tears of Eros

Week 2 (Sept 21):

Unit 1: Blood

Week 3 (Sept 28):
  • Freud, The Return of Totemism in Childhood, fourth essay of Totem and Taboo
Week 4 (Oct 5):Week 5 (Oct 12):
  • Marx, The Fetishism of the Commodity and its Secret, in Capital, volume 1, chapter one, section 4

Unit 2: Sex

Week 6 (Oct 19):
  • Freud, Fetishism
  • Freud, Embarrassing dreams of being naked, in The Interpretation of Dreams
  • Freud, The Analysis of the Psychical Personality, in Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis: New Series
Week 7 (Oct 26):Week 8 (Nov 2):
  • Bataille, Taboo and Transgression, pp. 11-80 of Eroticism

Reading Week: Nov 7 - 11 😂😊😹 No class!

Charles Gleyre, La Danse des bacchantes (1849, oil on canvas)

Unit 3: Drugs

Week 9 (Nov 16):Week 10 (Nov 23):
  • Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. Introduction (available in Marx: Early Political Writings, Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. 57-70)
Week 11 (Nov 30):


Week 12 (Dec 7):
  • Nietzsche, The madman, pp. 181-182 of The Gay Science
  • Nietzsche, The two types: Dionysus and the Crucified, pp. 542-543 of The Will to Power